GRR Review Once Upon a Cowboy by Lacy Williams

Once Upon A Cowboy, a retelling of Snow White as Contemporary Western Romance is an interesting take on a classic tale,

Princess Alessandra, barely surviving an assassination attempt, disappeared by switching multiple flights and hiding in the back of a pickup truck, avoiding security cameras, and ended up in the middle of Hale Ranch in Oklahoma, and meeting Gideon Hale, ex-SEAL, now just a rancher with a bum knee. Gideon took in Allie temporarily and both learned that each uses the exterior to hide a more vulnerable interior. When enemies close in, Gideon must call upon his training to protect Allie.

The problem with this tale is there are just too many contrivances. For a royal house, the security was surprisingly lax, and the poisoning episode (hey, this is Snow White story after all) was just lame with NOBODY around. The ending was also kinda lame where Gideon pretty much just became a consultant for the entire palace security. Must be a pretty lame country where no local police or even state department diplomatic security bothered to show up.

Category: Western / Contemporary

Primary Plot: Princess escaped to middle of nowhere ranch in Oklahoma, rescued by ex-SEAL rancher, fell in love, now ex-SEAL must save the princess from bad guys

Tropes: fairy tale, different worlds, fish out of water, protector

Overall Rating: 3/5

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