GRR Review: Unbreakable Love by Marie Hall

Unbreakable Love by Marie Hall is a collection of three novels by the same author that deal with some unusual pairings. They can be very emotional, and the author deserves kudos for diving into these emotional issues rather than generic citizens.

First story was about two disabled veterans, one was heavily scarred, and the other was missing a limb. The theme of looking past the exterior was all implied, with none of the heavy-handedness. It is a very sweet romance of two discovering there is beauty to be had if one can just stop to see them.

Second story is about a young man who can only see shades of gray, and a slight older woman that actually grew up together with the young man, except circumstances keep tearing them apart, but they knew they cared for each other and nothing will stop them... not even themselves. It is deeply emotional, but it felt as if it dragged on for a few too many pages.

Third story is about a man tired of living due to childhood trauma. He tried to take his life, but he was saved by his buddy / roommate's date, who happened to be a nurse. They then managed to fall for each other. This story took some very strange turns, which I will not spoil. Suffice to say, you probably will be surprised.

All in call, this is definitely an above average collection of stories, and a good break from the typical alpha male / billionaire / bad boy romances.

Category: Contemporary

Primary Plot: 3 novel collection of interesting pairings

Overall Rating: 4/5
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