Valentine Jones is the current heir to family matchmaking dynasty, except she's really not good at it, but she tries her best, including a brand-new matchmaking app and her own matchmaking business... and her first-client is an ex-MMA fighter, Ethan "The Predator" Hawke. The problem is Ethan weren't really interested in dating any one... and if he must date someone, he'd rather date Valentine, except the first rule of a matchmaker is don't fall for the client...I honestly don't see why Ethan would rather date Valentine than anyone else. There's an almost unconnected second couple, an actress and her agent/friend, that seem to be thrown into the novel just to take up space. I honestly don't get these two couples. I swear her other novels were better, but this one just feels way off the mark.
Category: Contemporary
Primary Plot: Matchmaker trying to setup her first client, except he wanted to date her ,and no one else
Overall Rating: 2/5