Michel Deverroux, broken from losing a best friend in Afghanistan, came home, only to discover he had been left a good amount of money and a beachfront property in Galveston by the uncle that brought him up. He slummed there for a while, slowly put himself back together, and every morning he watched a woman walked past, and even from a distance he could sense the sadness around her. They met by chance in town, he learned her name is Annabelle, and they proceed to fell in love... but the memories of Deverroux won't go away, nor did his connections to the dark side...Somehow, the two characters just feels a bit... shallow. Any new obstacles were quashed in a few pages, from Michel's war buddy wanting an end to it all to his estranged mother. Even his connections to the dark side (not to be spoiled) didn't affect him much. The characters seem to be just sad or apathetic all the time. Anna's wounds are even shallower... Let's just say she sulked in town for three years because of a betrayal. There was not even a fight between Michel and Annabelle. It's just... very "detached".
Category: Military / Contemporary
Primary Plot: Guy retired from army and lived on the coast, encountered a sad girl and deal with some life problems
Overall Rating: 3/5 (it's more like 2.5/5)