GRR Review: A Bride for Carlton by Karla Gracey

"A Bride for Carlton" by Karla Gracey is a Western historical "mail order bride" romance novella that is marketed as "sweet and clean", and being a merely 62 pages, there is virtually ZERO character development.  Myra was just too perfect, as she can do almost anything and decided her former job as a governess is too lame, so she married herself out west, and Carlton was lucky to have found her.  Both characters are really bland, and there wasn't much standing in their way to the HEA. It is sweet, it is clean, but there really wasn't much romance.  You can almost let kids read this, except for the subject matter.

Category: Western Historical

Primary Plot: Governess got bored and married herself West as mail order bride

NOTE: Sweet and Clean (no sex)

Rating: 2/5
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